Bulk enrollment of Windows 10 / 11 Devices to Intune Using Provisioning Package

Provisioning package method can be used for bulk enrollment of Windows devices to Microsoft Intune. A provisioning package add devices in bulk to Azure Active Directory (AAD) and automatically enroll those devices into Microsoft Intune. This method can be used for corporate owned devices. This enrollment method requires a provisioning package which can be created using Windows Configuration Designer.

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How to Enroll Windows 11 Device to Intune through Azure AD Join method

There are different methods available to enroll Windows 11 device to Intune. One of such method is Azure AD join method which enables the user to enroll a corporate-owned device into Microsoft Intune by using settings panel and adding a Work or School account. Once device joined to Azure AD, you need to login to the device using your corporate Azure Active Directory account.

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How to Deploy Google Chrome for Enterprise with Intune Win32 App

Google Chrome is the most popular and widely-used desktop web browser. As of May 2022, Google’s Chrome is the leading internet browser in the world with a global market share of 64.91%. Hence Google Chrome deployment and management is a must for almost all organizations.

The Chrome browser for the enterprise, sometimes referred to as Chrome Enterprise, is the same Chrome browser used by consumers. The difference is in how the browser is deployed and managed. Chrome Enterprise offers extra deployment and management features that cater to the sector’s increased needs for control and security.

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Deploy Google Chrome

How to Prepare Win32 App Installation source for Intune Using Intune WinAppUtil

Win32 apps provide us greater control over the deployment of application. We can deploy 32 bit and 64 bit application through Microsoft Intune Win32 apps. The Win32 apps support deployment of multiple files via IntuneWin wrapper / Intune WinAppUtil (intuneWinAppUtil.exe). The IntuneWin Wrapper can be used to deploy multiple files such as MSI with transform (MST). The Win32 app also support the deployment of .EXE file by converting them to .intunewin format. IntuneWinAppUtil help you to prepare win32 app installation source for Microsoft Intune deployment.

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win32 app deployment
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