CMG Connection Point Status Disconnected | SCCM | ConfigMgr


SCCM Cloud Management Gateway Connection Point status shows as disconnected after new Cloud Management Gateway configuration in SCCM / Configuration Manager.

The following error logged in CMG connection point log SMS_CLOUD_PROXYCONNECTOR.log file.

ERROR: Failed to build HttpV2 connection 711c3af4-a0a8-44bd-a8dd-01572a7b276c with server xxxCMG.CLOUDAPP.NET:443. Exception: System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: ''~~   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.CloudConnection.ProxyConnector.HttpConnectionV2.SendInternal(HttpMethod method, String path, String payload, Int32& statusCode, Byte[]& responsePayload)~~   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.CloudConnection.ProxyConnector.HttpConnectionV2.SendInternal(HttpMethod method, String path, Byte[] payload)~~   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.CloudConnection.ProxyConnector.HttpConnectionV2.Online()~~   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.CloudConnection.ProxyConnector.ConnectionBase.Start()~~   at Microsoft.ConfigurationManager.CloudConnection.ProxyConnector.ConnectionManager.MaintainConnections()


The above logs show that remote name was not resolved. This was happening as Microsoft has changed the way CMG service name / Deployment name registered with Azure.

Starting ConfigMgr version 2010, if you’ll deploy the CMG to a virtual machine scale set, the deployment name is different. With a virtual machine scale set, the service name uses the domain along with the region. For example, GraniteFalls.EastUS.CloudApp.Azure.Com for a deployment in the East US Azure region.

In the above setup, the service name was used which will not longer work with Virtual Machine Scale Set CMG deployment.


Option 1: Keep the Service name same as Deployment name.


Service Name: Prefix.Region.CloudApp.Azure.Com


Deployment Name: Prefix.Region.CloudApp.Azure.Com


Option 2: Another option is to use your own domain address for CMG service name and create DNS CNMAE to route the traffic to CMG deployment name. Microsoft recommend this method.


Service Name:

Deployment name:

DNS CNAME: Create a DNS CNAME in public DNS (Your DNS registrar) to route the request coming for Service name address to CMG Deployment address.

The Configuration Manager client policy includes the CMG service name, The client resolves the service name via the CNAME alias to the deployment name.

The CNAME for above example will be:

HostName : techuisitivecmg


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