Deploy Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 19.02 through Intune

Microsoft SQL Management Studio (SSMS) 19.0.2 is the latest general availability (GA) version. If you have a preview version of SSMS 19 installed, you should uninstall it before installing SSMS 19.0.2. If you have SSMS 19.x installed, installing SSMS 19.0.2 upgrades it to 19.0.2.

  • Release number: 19.0.2
  • Build number: 19.0.20209.0
  • Release date: March 13, 2023

You can download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio from

In this blog post, we will look at the steps to install SQL Server Management Studio version 19.0.2 through Microsoft Intune.

Silent Install Command line for SSMS

Silent Install: SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe /install /quiet /norestart

Silent Uninstall: SSMS-Setup-ENU.exe /uninstall /quiet /norestart

Prepare SSMS installation source for Intune

Before you deploy an App through Microsoft Intune, the installation source needs to be prepared for Intune. Follow the below article to prepare an installation source for Microsoft Intune Win32 app deployment.

How to Prepare Win32 App Installation source for Microsoft Intune

Create a Win32 App for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Follow the below steps to deploy SQL server management studio via Intune.

In the Microsoft Intune console, navigate to Apps > Windows Apps, click on Add, select Windows app (win32) App type and click on Select.

install sql server management studio

On the Add App page, click on Select app package file , click on Browse button and select the intunewin file which you created in previous step. Click on Ok.

deploy sql server management studio

On the App information page, provide the required details and click on Next.

Deploy ssms intune

On the Program page, provide the command line for install and uninstall. Select other options as per your requirements and click on Next.

Install ssms intune

On the Requirements page, select the requirements that must met before installation begins. Click on Next to move to the Detection rules page.

Intune | Create win32 app | Requirements

On the Detection rules page, perform the following steps.

  • In the Rule format, select Manually configure detection rules
  • Click on Add
  • in the Detection rule flyer window, select File in Rule type, enter the following details, and click on Next.

Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 19\Common7\IDE

File: Ssms.exe

Detection Method: File or folder exists

Intune install SQL server management studio | win32 Detection rule

Click on Next thrice to move to the Assignments page. We will not have any Dependencies or Supersedence rules for this installation.

On the Assignments page, assign the App to All Devices, All Users, or an Azure Active Directory (AAD) group as per your requirement. You can also apply Filters for more granular targeting of the App. The application can be assigned as Required or Available. When you select Required, the app will installed automatically. If you select Available, then the app will be available for installation via the Company Portal. User can initiate the installation from the Company Portal.

Click on Next.

Intune | Win32 App | Assignments

On the Review + create page, review the settings and click on Create.

Intune | Win32 App | Review + Create

Intune will now create the application and upload .intunewin file to the Intune portal. You can monitor the progress from the Notification area.

Intune | Create Win32 App  | Notification

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